July 2023

July 2023


Project: aneakajun.com
A laptop breakdown and lack of content has delayed our launch for the 24th. Rest assured, we will go live as soon as we are ready. Meantime, if you would like to recommend or suggest any story ideas, I welcome you to contact me in private.

Travel Plans: Are you visiting Cambodia soon?
I love meeting new people and reconnecting with old friends. Drop me a line in advance if you plan to visit and/or would like to connect in person. I promise I won't ask for a favor to bring the new iPhone 15 or anything lol =)


Project: phatryderekpan.com
A healthy and consistent flow of new content is being published for my personal page. If you have any topic suggestions or have any questions that you'd like to see me reply in blog format, kindly drop me a message in "Contact" or Telegram me.

Project: Cambodian Citizenship
Ever since my article on becoming a Cambodian national was published, I have received a fresh round of inquiries by other Khmer aneakajuns. For the record, I do not work or have any formal affiliation with the Cambodian Immigration or relevant authorities. However, I do have some reliable connections, which has helped assist folks who are eligible.


Welcome to the inaugural launch of Projects, an ongoing monthly work log offering followers a preview of my personal or company led projects, initiatives, or other collaborative opportunities. I will also share non-company related announcements. This file will be updated regularly.

Here is my latest business under development:

Project: aneakajun.com

We are quietly working for a July 24th website launch, one day after Cambodia's national election ends. We will begin pre-launch recruitment starting July 2nd. Subscribe to my Telegram channel for the latest updates!

© 2025 Phatry Derek Pan