Unforgettable Fight with Mother Nature

Unforgettable Fight with Mother Nature

I know we visited another temple or two after this, but my memory is a blur right now. However, I do recall the next hour of unforgettable fight with mother nature.

At around 1 pm or so, the clouds began to darken up. But instead of taking the advice of one of the stall vendors to rest under the covered tarp, the four of us dared to duke it out. Fifteen minutes into our ride, the rain came, and it came down hard! (I’ll save a blog entry that I’ll talk specifically on "Cambodia rain"). At first we peddled and peddled hoping to find cover. But no luck where we were at.

"Let's stay under one of the tall trees and wait for the rain to die down," suggests one of us.

Well, we do so for 10 minutes but the rain had no mercy. We peddled back for about 30 minutes passed the previous vendor. They got a good kick out of seeing four foreigners peddling in the rain as we smiled passed them to a further location for refuge. Eventually, we found cover but after being pruned up in pounds of rain. Completely shivered, we tried to enjoy a hot bowl of noodles.

The rain did not let out after we finished our lunch. But the warrior spirit in us was determined to peddle into town even though the ride back was about 35-40 minutes. Exhausted we were when we eventually arrived.

I showered then took the well deserved nap.

At 7 PM, we decided to visit the Cambodian Cultural Village.

© 2025 Phatry Derek Pan